Just Believe


When I first started on Noom, I was made to complete tutorials, step on a weighing scale and even track the volume of water I drank every day. The weighing scale never seemed to budge and I was persistently hovering around 94kg. I would lose a couple of grams before gaining it back by the end of the week. It did not seem to make sense - I was eating less, gymming/running regularly and even sleeping well. One of the main reasons for starting on Noom in the first place was because my weight gain had started to cause my feet to hurt so I was desperate for Noom to work.

One of the lessons on Noom spoke about the irregularities of weight loss, and ended off with the simple phrase, "Just Believe". Initially I was skeptical, and at that point, I had stopped tracking my weight or my water intake regularly, instead choosing to finish only the daily Noom lessons. I kept faith in my daily activities and the Noom lessons made me a lot more aware of what I was putting into my body. I would even look at the back of packaging to check if the calories I was about to consume made sense. I saw the improvement, and eventually I brought my weight down to 92kg where I hit a plateau. But the key improvement was actually in my mobility, my feet hurt less over time and I was a lot more fluid in possession on the ball during my weekly football sessions.

Recently, I checked my weight again, and I finally broke the 90kg barrier. I have lost a total of 5kg since I started on Noom. For a person who is 6'2, 88kg is in the acceptable weight range and my feet do not hurt anymore. I would still like to be 83kg though and that is my next target. I am a believer now. And interestingly, the mantra "Just Believe" has seeped into other aspects of my life.